Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Commentary: Reaction to tonight's episode of 'Lost'

Tonight's episode of Lost on ABC featured, as usual, some strange twists and turns. I don't usually watch much else on television besides sports, but the wife likes Lost, so I entertain her addiction by indulging in this program with her every Wednesday night. I don't like her other favorite shows, such as the reprehensable America's Next Top Model, featuring the talentless sponge and worst actress/personality ever, Tyra Banks, which is a show that makes me want to stab myself in the face.

But I digress ...

The Lost episode this evening concluded with [Warning - Plot Line Disclosure] the creepy guy who is apparently in charge of the Others revealing to Jack that the Others do in fact have some contact with the outside world beyond the island. What does he use to prove his point? What piece of evidence is shown to Jack? How could you convince this distrusting hostage of the truth of your statements?

I know, let's show footage of the Cardinals getting swept in the World Series by the Red Sox. Well that sounds great, Others leader. I really appreciate it. ABC, how thoughtful. Just when I was beginning to forget about that nightmare, and after the Fever Pitch movie and Bill Simmons' book and Peter Gammons' constant gushing, you go and show the footage again.

Hey, ABC, I tripped the other day and cut my leg. It still hurts and there is a little bit of an open wound under the band-aid. Would you like to come over and rub some salt in it? You would? Great.

Now there is only one plot line in Lost that will satisfy me. It involves Jack, who admits that he hates the damned Red Sox, shoving that casette tape up the Others guy's ass. I don't even care if Jack does it because he loves the Yankees, but I have about had it with America's love affair with the Red Sox. Wow, they won. Let's move on. needs to pick this cause up and run with it. Lets all move on. No more Red Sox. Say it all together: No More Red Sox.

Sigh. Thanks.

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